Instructions for Renewing and Activating a Burn Permit & IS BURNING OPEN?

Recreational fires do not require a burn permit. Recreation fire definition: a fire measuring less than 48 inches in diameter that are surrounded by a nonflammable structure and for which a suitable source of extinguishing the fire is available.

Information regarding what can be legally burned in Ravalli County go to and clink on "More Air Quality"

Other Ravalli County Documents on WHEN and WHAT to Burn:

Burn Permit Service Page:

Burn Permit Service Home page

On this site you can Renew or Obtain then Activate and see where other burn permits are activated.

Select your County:

For Select your County


Outdoor burning in Ravalli County is open on a day-to-day basis through Tuesday, November 30, 2021.  You may check daily burning status through our Burn Permit Program at  

At this time, we ask that you do not call our 9-1-1 Center or Sheriff's Office to inquire if burning is open.


At the beginning of a season please RENEW Burn Permit from last year. This updates your contact information.

You must RENEW online or by calling Ravalli County Sheriff's Office (406)375-4060.                                    or SRFD (406)777-7033 (Limited office hours)

If you have never had a burn permit number you may select Obtain a burn permit. 

If you have never had a burn permit you will need to OBTAIN a permit then ACTIVATE your permit number the morning of when you are burning.

Enter your information:


After Renewing or Obtaining your burn permit  you will then ACTIVATE your permit number the morning of when you are burning. 

You may also activate by calling 1-866-212-6318 

To VIEW active permits in Ravalli County you may see a map. 

Select from Main Menu "View current burn activity":