Winter Burn Permits: 

Winter Open Burning Season

December 1 - February 29

Winter burn pile permits need to go through the Department of Environmental Quality. 
Submit a Winter Burn Request at:
If you want to see location of burn permits for the winter:
Please remember a warming fires of natural materials & less than 48 inches do not need a permit.
Please use the burn permit system so volunteer firefighters are only paged out in an emergency.
Be safe. Thank you all!


Restrictions  (More Info on restrictions please click here)

BURN PERMITS ARE VALID and renewable for EACH time period starting          MARCH 1 TILL NOVEMBER 30. 

Open burning in Ravalli County starts, March 1st each year. Ravalli County has had a Burn Permit program since 2015. Go to to obtain, renew, or activate your permit. Ravalli County Burn Permits are free. If you have had a past Ravalli County Burn Permit, please renew that permit. It costs our taxpayers $3 to issue a new permit. If we want to continue with a free Burn Permit program – renew your old permit. If you have questions on the Burn Permit program go to or contact the Ravalli County Sheriff’s Office (375‐4060) or your local Fire Chief.

Be smart and don't start unauthorized burns or burns you are not prepared to manage. (see top link)
YOUR BURN IMPACTS THE COMMUNITY! Smoke can drift over roads creating driving hazards and reduce air quality in people homes or businesses. Please do not start your burn if there is a burning closure under a designated elevation restrictions.
Remember to first check the weather for wind directions and wind speeds, start early make sure you have enough day before afternoon winds and solar heating increases. Then if appropriate activate your permit the morning of the burn, have a water source to where the burn is as well as enough people and tools to manage the fire. Burn only natural materials. Keep eyes on the burn at all times until you put it out.


Have you recently moved into Ravalli County and or Montana?

Ravalli County Deputy Fire Marshal(Commercial maintenance and inspection questions) 

Area 7 – Granite, Mineral, Missoula, and Ravalli Counties Deputy State Fire Marshal:

James Jessop, Deputy State Fire Marshal
Fire Prevention & Investigation Section
Division of Criminal Investigation
P.O. Box 455
Corvallis, MT 59828
Phone: (406) 438-5576

Montana's Deputy Fire Marshals:

- provide statewide fire prevention and investigation services to nearly 400 fire agencies, 56 county sheriff’s departments, more than 60 city police departments and numerous other state and federal agencies. 

assist with adoption of fire safety regulations, inspection of public buildings, establishment and promotion of fire prevention programs, certification of local inspection programs, and the investigation of fires to determine cause and origin

- manage and maintain the records of all fires that occur within the state.

- provide training to local public safety agencies.

 Other Inquiries:

New building questions need to go to the building permit system: Ravalli County Planning 215 S 4th St F, Hamilton, MT 59840 Phone(406) 375-6530

 For all Sprinkler System questions and requirements ask the sprinkler system company installers (based on highest demand sprinkler head)

Ravalli County Fire Council Wildfire Preparedness Resource & Information Pamphlet 
Need help with where to start preparing your home for wildfire season? Need help with technical and financial assistance? 
(some links are under revision and pamphlet will be posted as soon as they are changed)

Sand & Sandbags are at

Westside Station 156 Kinsman Drive, Stevensville, MT

Also at

Etna Station 356 Willoughby Lane, Stevensville, MT   


During a phone outage Stevensville Rural Fire Stations are manned in case there is a 911 emergency.          Public with 911 emergencies should go to their nearest Fire Station during phone outages and find a volunteer firefighter ready to communicate the emergency by radio with Ravalli County 911 Dispach who will send the appropriate emergency service.

Stevensville Rural Fire 406-777-7033 phone line is also an internet line (VOIP) which works even if cell phones do not.  

    Westside Stn      Etna Stn      Sunset Stn   Town/Burnt Fork 

Olson family donates land for new fire station in Ravalli County


The Stevensville Rural Fire District announced the donation of property for the future home of the Sunset Fire Station.


The property was donated by the Olson family. It is located at the corner of North Sunset Bench Road and Chapman Lane.


The Olson family, Wayne, Judy and sons Rex and Robbie, have been involved with the Stevensville Rural Fire District for many years.


Wayne was the chairman of the Stevensville Rural Fire District Board. Robbie was a firefighter and Rex currently holds the position of District Fire Chief. Recognizing the need for a better location and building, they graciously subdivided an acre lot from a parcel they own at the corner of North Sunset Bench Road and Chapman Drive and donated it to the Stevensville Rural Fire District.


It is selfless acts like this that keep communities growing and, in this case, helps with better Fire and EMS protection, said a press release.


It is the intention of the Stevensville Rural Fire District to build a station on the site as soon as funds become available. The new station will be very similar to the recently constructed Etna Fire Station on Willoughby near Eastside Highway.


The Stevensville Rural Fire District Board has recently replaced two older stations and developed an administrative/training facility at the westside fire station site. This was funded by district savings and a loan from Farmers State Bank and did not raise taxes for residents in the district.


The board is proud to have one of the lowest mill levy in the valley. The Sunset Station will replace an existing station that currently has no running water or sewer facilities. The district plans to incorporate a community room that can be used by area groups to have meetings and gatherings as we did at the Etna Fire Station.


Volunteers are always needed and donations to help this needed improvement for the Fire District are always welcome.

For Fire Preparedness information go to: Fire Ready Montana  or go to Fire Wise

In case of Emergencies, Call 911